Should small or medium size companies pay for marketing and design services?
Short answer is: YES! But of course, you might think our opinion is biased so here are a few reasons why you should consider hiring professionals to do your marketing and your graphic assets.
We know that almost everybody has a friend who “knows” Photoshop or a cousin or nephew with an impressive camera; however, tools don’t replace skills and experience. You want to hire a person who professionally knows how to use those fancy, expensive tools because not every person with a camera is a photographer. At Tinta we have the mentality of “partnering” with our clients, we want to feel your brand/company because we want to deliver products and assets that we will be proud to call ours. Your company and your brand are your babies and nobody is going to love them the way you do but we want to become that babysitter that you and your babies are going to love as a member of your family. Would you hire a babysitter just because she/he has “been around” kids before?
We think of you as an expert on your field and a person full of passion for what you do. It is because of that initial belief that we would never ask you to lower your rates for your services. We know that if you charge what you charge it is because your product or service is worth that much.
Design and marketing are industries affected by kids with a lot of followers who think they are great at marketing and others with a million filter apps on their phones who call themselves photographers. This also has an effect on prices. In our case, we have seen extremely cheap services that look low quality to ridiculously high prices that also look bad.
You know your budget and you know how much you are willing to spend on professional services and regardless of what that amount is, trust us when we say a professional will always be better than an aficionado.
You don’t want to deliver cheap or poorly done strategies or designs to your customers. This is the millennial’s age and good content is king! You want to make sure that you are delivering your customers (even the non-millennials) great content they can relate and engage with. The keyword here is engaging. Remember that there is nothing more engaging than a good-looking product with great graphic promotional materials. Last but not least, we want to talk about strategy and we purposely left it for the end because we want to make sure you take this message with you: Great content with poor strategy is like a great paint selling her paintings at midnight in the Bronx Zoo… useless! You have a great product, we have the skills and strategic minds to get your product or service delivered to the right people at the right time.
You don’t need to believe this, let us sit down with you and let’s go over your idea and let’s work together to get you and your brand where you want it to be!